What is Stapes Surgery?
Stapes surgery is a middle ear procedure designed to enhance hearing by addressing issues with the stapes bone. Normally, the stapes bone is mobile, but when it becomes immobile due to conditions like otosclerosis, it causes conductive hearing loss. Stapedectomy or stapedotomy surgery can improve hearing by removing the affected stapes bone and replacing it with a micro prosthesis, thereby restoring proper sound transmission.
Features of Stapedectomy/Stapedotomy Surgery
General or Local Anesthesia
Eardrum and Bones Evaluation
Laser Removal of the Diseased Stapes Bone
A Metal Stapes Replacement Prosthesis Inserted
“If you want a physician of intensely high skill who can operate through a keyhole slit a few millimeters across and replace the minute ossicles of the ear with titanium parts, then you go see Dr Sperling. His patients call Dr. Sperling a miracle worker. I interviewed a dozen of them, and far more than one, even the calmest among them, say the same thing in the same words.”
– Dr. Conrad Fischer in his book Routine Miracles
Why Choose Dr. Neil Sperling for Your Stapedectomy/Stapedotomy Surgery?
Watch Dr. Sperling Perform a Full Stapedectomy Surgery
Stapedectomy/Stapedotomy Surgery FAQs
When is Surgery Needed?
Otosclerosis is a progressive hearing condition caused by changes in the bone around the stapes, the smallest bone in the middle ear. This impairs hearing by affecting the stapes’ ability to move. Stapedectomy/stapedotomy surgery is a highly effective treatment that involves removing the damaged stapes and replacing it with a prosthetic bone. For expert care, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sperling, a leading stapedectomy surgeon in Staten Island and NYC.
What Should I Know Before the Operation?
Stapedectomy or stapedotomy is typically done as an outpatient procedure. During your preoperative visit, you’ll review your medical history and undergo a physical examination. Dr. Sperling will discuss the details of the surgery, including risks and benefits. Be sure to inform him about any medications you are taking, including dosage and frequency, as well as any known drug allergies.
What Can I Expect After the Operation?
Most patients can return home shortly after surgery with minimal to no discomfort. To ensure optimal recovery, avoid blowing your nose for a week and keep water out of the ear for at least two weeks. Swimming should also be avoided during this time. If you notice sudden hearing loss, pain, dizziness, or any new symptoms in the operated ear, contact Dr. Sperling immediately. Complications are very rare.
How Long Does the Surgery Take?
Stapedectomy/Stapedotomy surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an operating room and usually takes less than 1 hour. After the procedure, patients typically rest for 1-2 hours before being discharged.