• Do I Need to Have My Hearing Checked Annually?

    Hearing loss is a common condition in this country, and the aging process is not always the cause. Unfortunately, having the ability to hear is something that many take for granted, and many do not realize until it is too late. This is why it is essential to take care of our ears. To do […]

  • Stapedectomy vs. Stapedotomy: What’s the Difference?

    When the stapes bone becomes “stuck” or “frozen,” a stapes operation is performed to improve hearing in a patient. One of the three bones in the middle ear, the stapes is the smallest bone in the human body. The stapes bone is required to hear, carrying the vibration of sound into the cochlea. But, if […]

  • What Can I Use to Protect My Hearing?

    Even though our ability to hear is something that many of us don’t want to lose, many abuse their ears on a constant basis. Unfortunately, it is natural that our ability to hear starts to decrease right after our teenage years, but it happens so gradually that many fail to notice. Also, noise-induced hearing loss […]

  • Top Disaster Preparation Tips for those with Hearing Loss

    When disaster strikes, it can be scary for anyone. Now imagine being in the middle of an emergency and you can’t hear. The intensity and fear level is sure to increase as we heavily rely on our senses to help keep us safe. Disasters and emergencies can come in many forms such as a fire, […]

  • Best Museums for those with Hearing Loss

    While Museums and Art Galleries are mostly a visual experience, there is still a lot of information provided audibly. Art films, Documentaries, Guided Tours, and Multimedia exhibits that can create discomfort and exclusions for those with hearing loss. Fortunately, accessibility is becoming less and less of an issue. The British Museum Association advises museums and […]

  • Foods for Tinnitus: What to Eat and What to Avoid When You Have Tinnitus

    When tinnitus is not well managed, it can negatively impact a person’s life. Many people often find that their tinnitus symptoms can vary from day to day, with some days much worse than others. However, some people may not realize that what you eat could correlate with those days that your tinnitus is unbearable. There […]

  • How to Properly Care for Your Hearing Aids this Summer

    June is right around the corner, and the days are warming up. After being cooped up all winter, many are anxious to finally get outdoors to enjoy the sights and sounds of summer. However, before you head out the door, if you wear hearing aids you need to take extra precaution with your device this […]

  • Everything You Need to Know About Diplacusis

    Diplacusis is a frustrating hearing condition. Also known as double hearing or interaural pitch difference (IPD), diplacusis binauralis occurs when a person hears the same sound differently in each ear. Usually, our brain distinguishes a single auditory stimulus as one sound, but with diplacusis, there is a dissonance in the pitch or timing of a […]

  • Top Hearing Loss and Hearing Protection Facts

    The ability to hear is an essential part of life that many take for granted, especially those who are blessed to have an overall healthy body. However, one in ten Americans suffers from hearing loss, and age-related hearing loss and hearing loss from excessive noise exposure is the most prevalent cause, making hearing loss a […]

  • The Link Between Stress and Hearing Loss

    You may have heard the phrase, stress is a silent killer, and it’s true. Chronic stress negatively affects many areas of our lives and has been linked to manifest psychological and physical symptoms in the body, and even disease. However, did you know that there is also a link between stress and hearing loss? While […]

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