Incentives to Wear Your Hearing Aids

Wear Your Hearing Aids

Please refrain from stowing away your hearing aids. Following proper fitting with technology, some individuals may discontinue using their hearing aids. This could result in missed opportunities to improve their hearing, live healthy lifestyles, and fully engage with the world. Rather than benefiting from these devices, they are left idle and gather dust in a container or drawer. If individuals or their acquaintances find themselves in this situation, they should know they are not alone. According to a study conducted in the UK, an estimated 1 in 5 individuals who possess hearing aids do not utilize them. However, forgoing the use of prescribed hearing technology can not only hinder communication abilities but also impact overall health. It is crucial that you wear your hearing aids every day.

Reasons to Wear Your Hearing Aids

It’s a Chronic Condition

Just as it is essential not to overlook treatment for conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or cataracts, the proper management of hearing loss is of great importance. This common chronic physical health issue often deteriorates progressively. Delaying addressing the loss reduces the likelihood of successful recovery or effective management.

Dementia Risk Increases

It is worth noting that hearing loss can contribute to social isolation and cognitive strain, significantly elevating the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. However, a recent study revealed that hearing aids and audiologic counseling reduced cognitive decline by almost 50% among older adults at higher risk.

Tinnitus Relief

Hearing loss is a significant contributor to tinnitus, with approximately 90% of associated cases. Hearing aids can potentially enhance hearing and alleviate tinnitus symptoms in some cases by redirecting the brain’s focus away from the persistent ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears.

Hearing Loss and Balance Issues

The intricate mechanisms housed within the inner ear play a critical role in maintaining balance. Consequently, it is unsurprising that individuals with hearing impairments are at an increased risk of experiencing falls. Even a mild extent of hearing loss may triple the likelihood of falling. On the other hand, a study by University of Michigan researchers uncovered a correlation between using hearing aids and a 13% reduction in the risk of fall-related injuries among older adults.

Depression Risks

Researchers have identified a 47% increased probability of depression among older adults suffering from hearing loss. Conversely, studies have indicated that older adults treated with hearing aids reported significant enhancements in their mental well-being. Furthermore, other investigations have demonstrated a decreased likelihood of experiencing depression in this demographic.

Upon receiving hearing aids, integrating them into your daily routine may present challenges. Nevertheless, neglecting the technology prescribed by your hearing care provider can have significant consequences. Typically, hearing does not improve spontaneously. Depriving your brain of sound may lead to further difficulties, so be sure to wear your hearing aids.

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