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    • Hearing Health & Cold Weather

      During the cold winter season, you must take extra care of your ears. While most people think about keeping up on their vitamins and nutrients to help fend off the cold and flu, most neglect their ears’ care. If you are guilty of ignoring your ears during the winter, you are doing yourself a disservice. […]

    • What to Expect During a Hearing Aid Fitting

      So you’ve come to terms with the idea of your hearing loss, and you are in the process of purchasing your first pair-congratulations! When a person has a hearing test and an examination that determines the need for hearing aids, that first appointment back is generally the time to try on your hearing aids. Typically […]

    • Simple Ways to Improve Your Hearing

      Having the ability to hear is quite a blessing. For those who are born with the ability to hear, it’s not unlikely to not fully appreciate this vital sense. Unfortunately, many don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, or until they start having issues with their hearing. The ability to hear is one of […]