Hearing aids are a significant investment, so it is essential to take care of them if you want them to last. Keeping your hearing aids well-maintained can help you continue hearing the world around you, and help you save money in the long run. While a hearing care professional should do the heavy-duty maintenance, there […]
Tips for Communicating with a Face Mask
Being deaf or hard of hearing can be challenging. Unfortunately, the current COVID-19 situation can make it harder for a person with impaired hearing to communicate with others, and for others to communicate with them. While we all need to wear a face-covering to help stop the spread, many new challenges are being faced for […]
Earwax Facts: What There is to Know About Cerumen
Earwax is usually not a popular subject with many people, but this waxy substance plays an important role. Also known as cerumen, earwax is produced by the sebaceous gland in the ear canal and helps lubricate, clean, and protect the lining of the ear canal. Earwax helps trap dirt, dust, and other debris from reaching […]