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Many don’t realize how much their ears do for them. The ability to hear helps enhance the experiences that life has to offer, as the ears are designed to help us understand and interpret sounds. It’s no wonder that the ability to hear has a significant impact on the quality of one’s life. Having the capacity to hear allows a person to experience, communicate, learn, and enjoy the world around them. There’s no doubt that the ability to hear is both fascinating and a blessing.

Are you interested in learning some interesting ear facts? Look no further, as we bring you some fascinating facts about the human ear!

1. Sound waves as low as 20 Hz, and as high as 20,000 Hz, can be picked up by the human ear.

2. Hearing loss is a threat to everyone, so it is important to care for your ears. We say this because a large percentage of individuals who experience hearing loss are under the age of 65.

3. The inner ear is surprisingly small, as it is no bigger than the circumference of a pencil eraser.

4. Ears are self-cleaning. This means you do not need to clean out your ears. However, excessive ear wax production should be cleaned by a professional.

5. Ear wax protects sensitive ears from dust and dirt.

6. The smallest bones in the body can be found in the middle ear. This is the stapes (also known as the stirrup, anvil, and hammer), the incus, and the malleus.

7. The hardest bone in the human body is the temporal bone.

8. Together, the malleus, incus, and stapes are no bigger than a penny!

9. It can take just one single incident of exposure to loud noise (85 decibels or higher) to damage your hearing permanently.

10. Your outer ear never stops growing throughout your lifetime.

11. Your ability to hear relies upon the tiny hairs that are located deep within the ear. Without these hairs, you wouldn’t be able to hear.

12. The ear contains more than 20,000 hair cells.

13. Sound waves travel at 770 miles per hour, or at 1,130 feet per second.

14. You never stop hearing, even in your sleep! Thankfully, the human brain learns to ignore the sounds so that you can sleep soundly.

15. Ears don’t just help you hear; they also help you keep your balance.

16. Exposure to sounds at 120 decibels can damage your hearing in 7.5 minutes.

17. The middle ear is connected to the throat by the Eustachian tube. The Eustachian tube is responsible for striking the balance between the atmospheric pressure and body pressure.

18. Your ears can affect your sense of taste. This is because of the nerve, chorda tympani, connects your taste buds to your brain by navigating through the middle ear.

19. Every year you get a “new” ear canal, this is from the skin in the ear canal. The skin grows approximately 1.3 inches a year, so it pushes out the old skin. Out with the old, in with the new!

20. Ear wax has been used by anthropologists to study the migratory patterns of humanity.