Some people may not realize that there is an adjustment period when you purchase a new pair of hearing aids. Knowing this ahead of time can increase your chances of being satisfied with your new device. However, one needs to know that getting used to hearing aids is a process and doesn’t happen overnight. If you are using hearing aids for the first time, it can be disorientating because your brain needs time to adjust, especially if you’ve dealt with any degree of hearing loss for some time before seeking help. Knowing how to get used to your hearing aids can help mitigate the feelings of discouragement and can keep you on track to better hearing.
When you finally decide to bite the bullet and invest in a pair of hearing aids, don’t expect your hearing to be what it used to be immediately, and realize there is a “break-in” period. If you need help getting used to hearing aids, check out these helpful tips for first-time hearing aid users.